Resultado da pesquisa (5)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Caron L.

#1 - Behavior of cells of immune system to the challenge with Salmonella Enteritidis in birds treated and untreated with organic acids, 32(6):495-502

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Flores F., Lovato M., Wilsmann C.G., Gazoni F.L., Silveira F., Caron L.F. & Beirão B.C.B. 2012. [Behavior of cells of immune system to the challenge with Salmonella Enteritidis in birds treated and untreated with organic acids.] Comportamento de células do sistema imune frente ao desafio com Salmonella Enteritidis em aves tratadas e não tratadas com ácidos orgânicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(6):495-502. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Salmonellosis is an important zoonosis, considered the leading cause of bacterial infections, and is associated with the consumption of poultry products. As alternative control, organic acids have been widely used. However, little is known about the immune status of poultry production, and an evaluation of this status is necessary to protect against disease and to ensure the safe application of therapeutic agents or prophylactic vaccination. This study aimed to verify the behavior of the immune system of birds previously infected with Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) treated with a compound of organic acids in different concentrations administered via water and food, compared with the infected birds and untreated. One hundred and twenty broilers were orally inoculated with 1ml of SE at a concentration of 1.0x108 CFU/mL, at 1 and 2-days-old and divided into six treatments with two repetitions of 200, 400, 500 and 1000ppm organic acid. From 35-days-old birds of all groups were collected aliquots of 3mL of blood into a tube containing EDTA for the evaluation of immune cells by flow cytometry. We then analyzed the percentages of circulating CD4+, CD8β+, MHC I+ MHC II+, TCRVβ1+, CD28+ + and TCRVβ2. For microbiological analysis were collected caecal tonsils of these birds. We found that organic acids in dosages 1000ppm 500ppm in water and in feed for 2 to 7 days before slaughter, respectively, were effective in reducing SE infection in broilers, proven by microbiological method and demonstrated through the behavior of immune cells. The infected birds showed a lower proportion of circulating T helper cells compared with infected poultry, but treated with AO or with the uninfected group. The same trend can be observed for CD28+ cells, and MHC IIbright+ TCRVβ 1+, and with lower resolution, for CD8β+.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Flores F., Lovato M., Wilsmann C.G., Gazoni F.L., Silveira F., Caron L.F. & Beirão B.C.B. 2012. [Behavior of cells of immune system to the challenge with Salmonella Enteritidis in birds treated and untreated with organic acids.] Comportamento de células do sistema imune frente ao desafio com Salmonella Enteritidis em aves tratadas e não tratadas com ácidos orgânicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(6):495-502. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: A Salmonelose é uma importante zoonose, considerada a principal causa de infecções bacterianas, sendo associada ao consumo de produtos avícolas. Como alternativa de controle, ácidos orgânicos têm sido amplamente usados. No entanto, pouco se conhece sobre o estado imunológico de aves de produção, e uma avaliação deste status é necessária para proteger frente a enfermidades e para garantir à aplicação segura de agentes terapêuticos ou imunização profilática. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o comportamento do sistema imunológico das aves previamente infectadas com Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) tratadas com um composto de ácidos orgânicos em diferentes concentrações administrado via água e ração comparando com as aves infectadas e não tratadas. Foram inoculados 120 frangos de corte com 1mL de SE, via oral, na concentração de 1,0 x 108 UFC/mL, no 1º e 2º dia de idade, divididos em seis tratamentos com duas repetições, utilizando 200, 400, 500 e 1000ppm do ácido orgânico. Aos 35 dias de vida das aves, foram coletados, de todos os grupos, alíquotas de sangue de 3mL em tubo contendo EDTA para a avaliação das células imunes através de citometria de fluxo. Foram analisadas as porcentagens circulantes de células CD4+, CD8β+, MHC I+, MHC II+, TCRVβ1+, TCRVβ2+ e CD28+. Para análise microbiológica foram coletadas tonsilas cecais destas aves. Observou-se com esse estudo que os ácidos orgânicos nas dosagens 1000ppm na água e 500ppm na ração durante, dois e sete dias respectivamente antes do abate, foram eficazes na redução da infecção por SE em frangos de corte, comprovadas pelo método microbiológico e demonstradas através do comportamento das células do sistema imune. No presente estudo as aves infectadas apresentaram uma proporção menor de células T auxiliares circulantes quando comparadas às aves infectadas, mas tratadas com o AO ou com o grupo não infectado. A mesma tendência pode ser observada para as células CD28+, TCRVβ1+ e MHC IIbright+, e, com menor resolução, para CD8β+.

#2 - Microbiology, histology and immunology evaluation of broiler chickens challenged against Salmonella Enteritidis and Minnesota and treated with organic acids, 32(1):22-31

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Pickler L., Hayashi R.M., Lourenço M.C., Miglino L.B., Caron L.F., Beirão B.C.B., Silva A.V.F. & Santin E. 2012. [Microbiology, histology and immunology evaluation of broiler chickens challenged against Salmonella Enteritidis and Minnesota and treated with organic acids.] Avaliação microbiológica, histológica e imunológica de frangos de corte desafiados com Salmonella Enteritidis e Minnesota e tratados com ácidos orgânicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(1):27-36. Laboratório de Microbiologia e Ornitopatologia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Rua dos Funcionários 1540, Curitiba, PR 80035-050, Brazil. E-mail: Two experiments were carried out to evaluate effectiveness of organic acids against Salmonella enterica enterica serovars Enteritidis (SE) and Minnesota (SM) in broilers. In the first experiment three treatments were evaluated: T1 - feeding with organic acids, T2 - feeding with organic acids and organic acids in drink water, and T3 - control group. All animals were oral challenged with SE. Organic acids in diet (T1) and organic acids in diet and drink water (T2) reduced the shadding of Salmonella in crop and cecum 7 days post challenged with SE and reduced the CD3+ cells in jejunal mucosa of broilers. In the second experiment four treatments were evaluated, T1 - control group, T2 - control group oral challenged with Salmonella Minnesota (SM); T3 - oral challenged animals with SM and treated with organic acids in diet; T4 - oral challenged animals with SM and treated with organic acids in diet and in drink water. Organic acids in diet (T3) and organic acids in diet and in drink water (T4) reduced the shadding of SM in crop of challenged broilers, 7 days post inoculation The use of organic acids in diet and in water was more effective to control SE than SM.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Pickler L., Hayashi R.M., Lourenço M.C., Miglino L.B., Caron L.F., Beirão B.C.B., Silva A.V.F. & Santin E. 2012. [Microbiology, histology and immunology evaluation of broiler chickens challenged against Salmonella Enteritidis and Minnesota and treated with organic acids.] Avaliação microbiológica, histológica e imunológica de frangos de corte desafiados com Salmonella Enteritidis e Minnesota e tratados com ácidos orgânicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(1):27-36. Laboratório de Microbiologia e Ornitopatologia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Rua dos Funcionários 1540, Curitiba, PR 80035-050, Brazil. E-mail: Dois experimentos foram desenvolvidos para avaliar a eficiência de ácidos orgânicos frente a Salmonella enterica enterica sorovar Enteritidis (SE) e Minnesota (SM) em frangos. No primeiro experimento foram avaliados 3 tratamentos: T1 - ração adicionada de ácido orgânico, T2 - ração adicionada de ácido orgânico e ácido orgânico na água de bebida, T3 - grupo controle. Todos os animais foram inoculados com SE, via oral. A utilização de ácidos orgânicos na ração (T1) e na ração e na água (T2) diminuíram a excreção de Salmonella no papo e no ceco 7 dias pós inoculação com SE e houve redução de células CD3+ no jejuno dos frangos. No segundo experimento foram avaliados 4 tratamentos sendo T1 - controle, T2 - controle inoculado via oral com Salmonella Minnesota (SM), T3 - animais inoculados via oral com SM e ácidos orgânicos na ração e T4 - animais inoculados via oral com SM e ácidos orgânicos na ração e na água de bebida. Ácidos orgânicos a ração (T3) e na ração e na água (T4) reduziram a excreção de SM em papo de frangos de corte desafiados, 7 dias após inoculação. O uso de ácidos orgânicos na ração e na ração e na água foram mais eficientes em reduzir SE do que SM.

#3 - Isolation and characterization of a pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in pigs in Brazil, 31(9):761-767

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Schaefer R., Zanella J.R.C., Brentano L., Vincent A.L., Ritterbusch G.A., Silveira S., Caron L. & Mores N. 2011. Isolation and characterization of a pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in pigs in Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(9):761-767. Embrapa Swine and Poultry Research Center, BR153, Km110, Vila Tamanduá, Concórdia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Influenza A virus (IAV) infections are endemic in pork producing countries around the world. The emergence of the pandemic 2009 human H1N1 influenza A virus (pH1N1) raised questions about the occurrence of this virus in Brazilian swine population. During a 2009-2010 swine influenza virus research project at Embrapa Swine and Poultry (CNPSA), an outbreak of a highly transmissible H1N1 influenza A virus disease was detected in a pig herd in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The virus caused a mild disease in growing pigs and sows without mortality. Three clinically affected piglets were euthanized. Gross lesions included mild to moderate consolidation of cranioventral areas of the lung. Microscopically, the lesions were characterized by necrotizing obliterative bronchiolitis and bronchointerstitial pneumonia. Immunohistochemistry using a monoclonal antibody against type A influenza virus nucleoprotein revealed positive staining in the nuclei of the bronchiolar epithelial cells. Lung tissue from three piglets and nasal swabs from five sows and four piglets were positive for influenza A by RT-PCR. Influenza virus was isolated from one lung, later confirmed by the hemagglutination test (HA titer 1:128) and RT-PCR. Sequence analyses of Hemmaglutinin (HA) and Matrix (M) genes revealed that the virus was consistent with the pandemic (A/H1N1) 2009 influenza virus strain that circulated in humans. This is the first report of an outbreak of pandemic A/H1N1 influenza virus in pigs in Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Schaefer R., Zanella J.R.C., Brentano L., Vincent A.L., Ritterbusch G.A., Silveira S., Caron L. & Mores N. 2011. Isolation and characterization of a pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in pigs in Brazil. [Isolamento e caracterização do vírus da influenza pandêmico H1N1 em suínos no Brasil.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(9):761-767. Embrapa Swine and Poultry Research Center, BR153, Km110, Vila Tamanduá, Concórdia, SC 89700-000, Brazil. E-mail: A infecção causada pelo vírus Influenza A (IAV) é endêmica em suínos no mundo inteiro. O surgimento da pandemia de influenza humana pelo vírus A/H1N1 (pH1N1) em 2009 levantou dúvidas sobre a ocorrência deste vírus em suínos no Brasil. Durante o desenvolvimento de um projeto de pesquisa do vírus de influenza suína em 2009-2010, na Embrapa Suínos e Aves (CNPSA), foi detectado em um rebanho de suínos em Santa Catarina, Brasil, um surto de influenza altamente transmissível causado pelo subtipo viral H1N1. Este vírus causou uma doença leve em suínos em crescimento e em fêmeas adultas, sem mortalidade. Tres leitões clinicamente afetados foram eutanasiados. As lesões macroscópicas incluiam consolidação leve a moderada das áreas cranioventrais do pulmão. Microscopicamente, as lesões foram caracterizadas por bronquiolite necrosante obliterativa e pneumonia broncointersticial. A imunohistoquímica, utilizando um anticorpo monoclonal contra a nucleoproteína do vírus influenza A, revelou marcação positiva no núcleo das células epiteliais bronquiolares. O tecido pulmonar de três leitões e os suabes nasais de cinco fêmeas e quatro leitões foram positivos para influenza A pela RT-PCR. O vírus influenza foi isolado de um pulmão, mais tarde sendo confirmado pelo teste de hemaglutinação (título HA 1:128) e por RT-PCR. A análise das seqüências de nucleotídeos dos genes da hemaglutinina (HA) e proteína da matriz (M) revelou que o vírus isolado foi consistente com o vírus pandêmico A/H1N1/2009 que circulou em humanos no mesmo período. Este é o primeiro relato de um surto de influenza causado pelo vírus pandêmico A/H1N1 em suínos no Brasil.

#4 - Immunogenicity of an inactivated bovine herpesvirus type 5 strain defective in thymidine kinase and glycoprotein E, 30(1):57-62

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Brum M.C.S., Caron L., Chowdhury S.I., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2010. Immunogenicity of an inactivated bovine herpesvirus type 5 strain defective in thymidine kinase and glycoprotein E. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):57-62. Setor de Virologia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: The immunogenicity of an inactivated, experimental vaccine based on a bovine herpesvirus type 5 strain defective in thymidine kinase and glycoprotein E (BoHV-5 gE/TKD) was evaluated in cattle and the results were compared with a vaccine containing the parental BoHV-5 strain (SV507/99). To formulate the vaccines, each virus (wildtype SV507/99 and BoHV-5 gE/TKD) was multiplied in cell culture and inactivated with binary ethyleneimine (BEI). Each vaccine dose contained approximately of 107.5 TCID50 of inactivated virus mixed with an oil-based adjuvant (46:54). Forty calves, 6 to 9-months-old, were allocated into two groups of 20 animals each and vaccinated twice (days 0 and 22pv) by the subcutaneous route with either vaccine. Serum samples collected at day 0 and at different intervals after vaccination were tested for virus neutralizing (VN) antibodies against the parental virus and against heterologous BoHV-5 and BoHV-1 isolates. The VN assays demonstrated seroconversion to the respective homologous viruses in all vaccinated animals after the second vaccine dose (mean titers of 17.5 for the wildtype vaccine; 24.1 for the recombinant virus). All animals remained reagents up to day 116 pv, yet showing a gradual reduction in VN titers. Animals from both vaccine groups reacted in similar VN titers to different BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 isolates, yet the magnitude of serological response of both groups was higher against BoHV-5 field isolates. Calves vaccinated with the recombinant virus did not develop antibodies to gE as verified by negative results in a gE-specific ELISA, what would allow serological differentiation from naturally infected animals. Taken together, these results indicate that inactivated antigens of BoHV-5 gE/TK recombinant virus induced an adequate serological response against BoHV-5 and BoHV-1 and thus can be used as an alternative, differential vaccine candidate.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Brum M.C.S., Caron L., Chowdhury S.I., Weiblen R. & Flores E.F. 2010. Immunogenicity of an inactivated bovine herpesvirus type 5 strain defective in thymidine kinase and glycoprotein E. [Imunogenicidade de uma cepa inativada do herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 defectiva na timidina quinase e glicoproteína E.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(1):57-62. Setor de Virologia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: A imunogenicidade de vacina experimental inativada, produzida com uma cepa do herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 defectiva nos genes da timidina quinase e glicoproteína E (BoHV-5 gE/TKD) foi avaliada em bovinos e o resultado foi comparado com a resposta induzida pela cepa parental do BoHV-5 (SV507/99). Para a formulação da vacina, cultivos de células infectados com cada um dos vírus (SV507/99 ou BoHV-5 gE/TKD) foram inativados com etilenamina binária. Cada dose de vacina continha aproximadamente 107,5 TCID50 de um dos vírus inativados emulsionado em adjuvante oleoso (46:54). Quarenta bezerros de raças cruzadas, com idade entre seis a nove meses, foram alocados em dois grupos de 20 animais cada e vacinados duas vezes (dia 0 e 22 pv) pela via subcutânea com uma das vacinas. Amostras de soro foram coletadas no dia 0 e a vários intervalos após vacinação para a pesquisa de anticorpos neutralizantes frente ao vírus homólogo ou frente a isolados de BoHV-5 e BoHV-1. Os testes de soroneutralização (SN) demonstraram que todos os animais soroconverteram após a segunda dose da vacina (títulos médios de 17,5 para o grupo SV507/99; 24,1 para o grupo BoHV-5 gE/TKD). Todos os animais mantiveram níveis de anticorpos neutralizantes até o dia 116 pv, no entanto foi observada uma redução gradual no títulos. A sorologia cruzada com amostras heterólogas do BoHV-5 e BoHV-1 indicou que ambos os grupos vacinais reagiram em níveis similares frente ao mesmo vírus, no entanto a magnitude da resposta sorológica foi maior frente a amostras de BoHV-5. Os animais vacinados com a cepa recombinante não desenvolveram anticorpos contra a gE detectáveis por um ELISA específico, o que permitiria a sua diferenciação sorológica de animais infectados naturalmente. Esses resultados demonstram que a vacina contendo antígenos inativados do vírus recombinante BoHV-5 gE/TKD induziu resposta sorológica em níveis satisfatórios, constituindo-se, assim, em alternativa a cepa vacinal diferencial.

#5 - Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor does not increase the potency or efficacy of a foot-and-mouth disease virus subunit vaccine, p.150-158

Abstract in English:

Caron L., Brum M.C.S., Moraes M.P., Golde W.T., Arns C.W. & Grubman M.J. 2005. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor does not increase the potency or efficacy of a foot-and-mouth disease virus subunit vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):150-158. USDA, ARS, PIADC-FMD Research Unit, PO.Box 848, Greenport, NY 11944 0848, USA. E-mail: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most feared diseases of livestock worldwide. Vaccination has been a very effective weapon in controlling the disease, however a number of concerns with the current vaccine including the inability of approved diagnostic tests to reliably distinguish vaccinated from infected animals and the need for high containment facilities for vaccine production, have limited its use during outbreaks in countries previously free of the disease. A number of FMD vaccine candidates have been tested and a replication-defective human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) vector containing the FMDV capsid (P1-2A) and 3C protease coding regions has been shown to completely protect pigs against challenge with the homologous virus (FMDV A12 and A24). An Ad5-P1-2A+3C vaccine for FMDV O1 Campos (Ad5-O1C), however, only induced a low FMDV-specific neutralizing antibody response in swine potency tests. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) has been successfully used to stimulate the immune response in vaccine formulations against a number of diseases, including HIV, hepatitis C and B. To attempt to improve the FMDV-specific immune response induced by Ad5-O1C, we inoculated swine with Ad5-O1C and an Ad5 vector containing the gene for porcine GM-CSF (pGM-CSF). However, in the conditions used in this trial, pGM-CSF did not improve the immune response to Ad5-O1C and adversely affected the level of protection of swine challenged with homologous FMDV.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Caron L., Brum M.C.S., Moraes M.P., Golde W.T., Arns C.W. & Grubman M.J. 2005. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor does not increase the potency or efficacy of a foot-and-mouth disease virus subunit vaccine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25(3):150-158. USDA, ARS, PIADC-FMD Research Unit, PO.Box 848, Greenport, NY 11944 0848, USA. E-mail: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most feared diseases of livestock worldwide. Vaccination has been a very effective weapon in controlling the disease, however a number of concerns with the current vaccine including the inability of approved diagnostic tests to reliably distinguish vaccinated from infected animals and the need for high containment facilities for vaccine production, have limited its use during outbreaks in countries previously free of the disease. A number of FMD vaccine candidates have been tested and a replication-defective human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) vector containing the FMDV capsid (P1-2A) and 3C protease coding regions has been shown to completely protect pigs against challenge with the homologous virus (FMDV A12 and A24). An Ad5-P1-2A+3C vaccine for FMDV O1 Campos (Ad5-O1C), however, only induced a low FMDV-specific neutralizing antibody response in swine potency tests. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) has been successfully used to stimulate the immune response in vaccine formulations against a number of diseases, including HIV, hepatitis C and B. To attempt to improve the FMDV-specific immune response induced by Ad5-O1C, we inoculated swine with Ad5-O1C and an Ad5 vector containing the gene for porcine GM-CSF (pGM-CSF). However, in the conditions used in this trial, pGM-CSF did not improve the immune response to Ad5-O1C and adversely affected the level of protection of swine challenged with homologous FMDV.

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